Ready to Quit Smoking in 2024?

Ready to Quit Smoking in 2024?


The new year offers the perfect opportunity to set resolutions and make positive changes in your life. If you’re a smoker, one of the best resolutions you can make is to quit smoking for good.  

Quitting smoking provides a long list of health and financial benefits. It also allows you to experience lifestyle changes and freedoms that non-smokers enjoy every day. With the right preparation and support, you can kick the habit once and for all this year. 

The beginning of a new year marks a fresh start and a chance to leave bad habits in the past. Rather than dwelling on previous failed attempts, focus on the many reasons you want to quit and how your life will improve. View quitting as an exciting step towards a healthier, happier future.  

This is the year to go smoke-free. With commitment and some lifestyle adjustments, you can break free of tobacco addiction. Create a quit plan, set a firm date, and make 2024 the year you stopped smoking for good. 

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking   

Quitting smoking can dramatically improve your health in just 20 minutes. Within 12 hours, the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal. After 2-12 weeks (about 3 months), your circulation and lung function improve. After 1-9 months, coughing and shortness of breath decrease as your lungs heal and regenerate.   

Improved Lung Function 

When you quit smoking, your lungs begin to heal and regenerate. The cilia or tiny hair-like structures in your lungs that sweep out toxins can function properly again. This helps clear mucus and reduces congestion. Your lung capacity increases, so exercising and daily activities become easier.   

Better Heart Health  

Just 1 year after quitting, your added risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a smoker. After 15 years, your risk of heart attack and stroke is like that of a non-smoker. Stopping smoking improves blood flow, helps your heart and cardiovascular system function better, and lowers blood pressure. 

Healthier Oral Health 

Quitting smoking can help reverse some of the oral health problems associated with tobacco use. When you stop smoking, your risk of oral cancer decreases. Your teeth and gums become healthier as the nicotine stains are removed and blood circulation improves.   

Overall, quitting smoking significantly reduces your risk of lung cancer and other cancers, heart disease, stroke, infertility, premature ageing, gum disease, and other health problems. So, take the first step today towards a smoke-free life. 

Financial Benefits 

Quitting smoking can save you a significant amount of money. Here are some of the financial benefits of going smoke-free: 

  • Cigarettes are expensive, especially if you live in an area with high cigarette taxes. A pack-a-day smoker can easily spend over £200 per month on cigarettes. Quitting can free up hundreds of dollars per month that you can save or spend on other things. 
  •  The amount saved quickly adds up. If you usually spend £200 per month on cigarettes and are now quitting, you’ll save £2,400 per year. Over 10 years that’s £24,000 saved just by quitting smoking! 
  •  The savings continue to grow the longer you remain smoke-free. With the cost of cigarettes steadily rising, you’ll likely save even more in future years. 
  •  You’ll also save on the ancillary costs of smoking, like lighters, matches, ashtrays, dry cleaning costs from smoke odours, higher insurance premiums, and more. 
  •  The money saved can be put towards other financial goals – vacations, retirement savings, mortgage payments, or your child’s college fund.  
  •  You’ll have more disposable income in your budget for things that enrich your life rather than destroy your health. 
  •  Going smoke-free improves your health, resulting in lower healthcare costs. Fewer doctor visits and reduced insurance premiums lead to more savings. 
  •  The financial benefits are immediate and long-lasting. Within the first year of smoke-free, you could already have thousands in savings. Over your lifetime, you could save over £100,000. 

Lifestyle Changes 

Quitting smoking can lead to positive lifestyle changes that improve your quality of life. Two of the most common benefits are improved smell and taste, and increased energy levels.  

When you stop smoking, your senses of smell and taste can significantly improve within just 2 days. That’s because cigarette smoke dulls your smell receptors, so quitting allows them to heal and regain sensitivity. Foods will taste better, you’ll enjoy the scent of things like flowers and coffee more, and you won’t reek of cigarette smoke either.  

You’ll also notice having more energy and less fatigue. That’s because your lung capacity increases, and your circulation improves once you stop smoking. More oxygen reaches your muscles and organs, giving you more energy to do daily activities without getting winded. You may be able to exercise longer and have an easier time keeping up with family and friends. 

The positive effects on smell, taste and energy levels are powerful motivators to continue abstaining from cigarettes. While quitting is challenging at first, focusing on the lifestyle benefits can help you push through cravings and stay smoke-free for good. 

Set a Quit Date   

Picking a quit date and making a plan is one of the most important steps to successfully quitting smoking. Choose a date within the next month that gives you enough time to prepare. The more time you give yourself to get ready, the better your chances of success.  

Make your quit date special or meaningful, like a birthday or anniversary. Tell your friends and loved ones about your quit date so they can support you. Buy yourself a gift with the money you would have spent on cigarettes to reward yourself on your quit date.  

On your quit date, get rid of all cigarettes, lighters, and ashtrays in your home, car, and workplace. Stock up on oral substitutes like gum, hard candy, carrot sticks, or straws. Download a quit smoking app to track your progress and get support. Change your routine and avoid triggers like alcohol or coffee if needed.  

Stay busy and active on your quiet day to take your mind off cravings. Make plans with supportive friends or family. Remind yourself of your reasons for quitting and be proud of the positive decision you’re making. With the right preparation and support, you can make your quit date the start of a healthier, smoke-free life. 

Find Support 

Quitting smoking can be challenging to do alone. Enlisting support from others can help you stay motivated and accountable during the process. Here are some ways to find support: 

  • Talk to friends and family – Let the important people in your life know that you’re quitting smoking. They can provide encouragement, check in on your progress, and help you through cravings. Having a support system is key. 
  • Use apps and online communities – There are many apps and online forums dedicated to helping people quit smoking. Connecting with others going through the same struggle can be extremely helpful. Share tips, encouragement, and progress updates.
  • Join a support group – Local support groups allow you to regularly meet with others trying to quit. Hearing their stories and sharing your own can keep you inspired. Seeing their success can motivate you to stick with it. 
  • Consider counselling or coaching – If you want extra support, consider working with a smoking cessation counsellor or coach. They can provide one-on-one help and teach behaviour modification techniques. Having someone guide you through the process may make quitting feel more achievable. 

Having positive support from various sources can make all the difference when trying to quit smoking. Don’t try to go it alone. Reach out and get the help you need to succeed. With encouragement from others, you’ll be more empowered to kick the habit once and for all. 

Remove Temptations  

Getting rid of anything that reminds you of smoking can help remove some of the temptation during the quitting process. Make sure to throw away all cigarettes, lighters, and ashtrays in your home, car, and workplace. Removing these visible triggers can help reduce cravings and make it easier to quit smoking out of habit.   

Also, avoid places where you used to smoke for the first couple of weeks. Things like your favourite bar patio, certain friends’ houses, or the smoking area at work can all trigger powerful cravings during the initial quitting period. Finding new places to socialize and relax can help break the mental associations with those old triggers.   

Out of sight, out of mind. Clearing your environment of smoking reminders helps create new non-smoking routines and makes it easier to change your daily habits. This removes some of the temptation as you adjust to smoke-free living. 

Deal with Cravings 

Cravings for cigarettes are a normal part of the quitting process. Having a plan in place to deal with cravings can help you remain smoke-free.  

  • Identify when and where you crave cigarettes the most. Common times include with coffee or alcohol, during work breaks, or when feeling stressed. Knowing your triggers can help you anticipate and manage cravings. 
  •  Have distractions ready. When a craving hits, shift your attention to something else. Go for a walk, drink water, listen to music, chew gum, wash dishes, or call a friend.  
  •  Delay smoking. Tell yourself to wait 10 minutes. The urge will likely pass by then. 
  •  Breathe deeply. Take 10 deep, slow breaths to relax and ride out the craving.   
  •  Exercise to relieve stress and cravings. Even mild exercise can help. 
  •  Keep your hands busy. Doodle, squeeze a stress ball, play with a fidget spinner, or do other activities to occupy your hands and mind. 
  •  Reward yourself after resisting a craving. Have something small like a piece of candy or fruit.  
  •  Remind yourself why you want to quit. Revisit your motivation and goals. The craving will pass, and you’ll feel proud for staying strong. 

Having a plan and using distraction techniques can help you overcome cravings and remain smoke-free. 

Consider Nicotine Replacement  

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) can help reduce cravings and ease the transition to being smoke-free. There are several options to consider: 

Nicotine patches – Patches provide a slow, steady dose of nicotine throughout the day. They come in different strengths, allowing you to gradually step down your nicotine intake. Apply a new patch daily. 

Nicotine gum – Chewing gum releases nicotine faster than patches. Use gum when you have sudden cravings. Chew slowly until you feel a tingle, then place it between your cheek and gum. Limit use to avoid side effects.   

E-cigarettes – Battery-powered devices that heat liquid containing nicotine into vapour for inhalation. The vapour satisfies the hand-to-mouth habit without tobacco. Start with a higher nicotine content liquid, then taper down. Ensure you get a quality device such as Jucce Bar which is suitable for both beginners and expert vapers alike. 

The combination of NRT plus behavioural support boosts your chances of successfully quitting smoking. Talk to your doctor about the best nicotine replacement options for you. Don’t be discouraged if one method doesn’t work – you can try different options until you find what works best. 

Stay Motivated 

The key to staying smoke-free is remembering why you wanted to quit in the first place. Make a list of all the reasons you decided to give up smoking and keep it handy. Refer back to it whenever you feel a craving coming on.  

It also helps to give yourself little rewards along the way. After one smoke-free week, treat yourself to a nice dinner. After one month, buy that gadget you’ve been eyeing. And after several months, take a weekend getaway with the money you’ve saved by not buying cigarettes. 

Having tangible reminders of why you quit and visible proof of the benefits is incredibly motivating. It reinforces all the positive changes you’ve made in your life by kicking the habit. So, pat yourself on the back each step of the way, and remind yourself regularly of the many rewards of being smoke-free. 

Visit our website for insight and options for vape kits to help you start your non-smoking journey this 2024.


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